Skyrim dragon priest mod
Skyrim dragon priest mod

The mask boosts fire resist by 50% and adds to fire dmg dealt by 25%.

skyrim dragon priest mod

Once you get to the point in " Dragonborn sidequest: unearthed" where you've re-killed Azhidal, you can loot his mask from him. In order to escape, he telepathically seduces Ralis Sedarys, a dunmer who is trying to excavate the barrow, into tricking the current dovahkiin into helping clear the barrow so Ralis can enter the crypt and revive Azhidal. In the buried depths of Kolbjorn Barrow, Azhidal waits to be raised from his crypt. See the video at the bottom for battle strategies. The mask's enchant boosts the player's maximum magicka by a leveled amount. Miraak, in all his time imprisoned in apocrypha, has not been able to find a new helm, so you can loot a leveled version of his mask from his bones. In the time between then and the time of TES V: S kyrim, Miraak has been able to ressurrect Dukaan, Zahkriisos, AND (given the player plays " dragonborn side quest:unearthed" to the finish) Azhidal from their graves, leaving all four to be killed by the current (player) dohvakiin. He wouldn't have lived if not for Hermaeus Mora, who, fearing the loss of his most powerful servant, transported Miraak to safety at the last second. But Miraak, as a daedric servant, a dragon acolyte, AND a dovahkiin, wasn't easy to kill. For his three acolytes: The Icy Dukaan, Zahkriisos: The Bloody Blade, and former hero Azhidal The Flaming death was swift. All that is known is that, at the end, the priests attempted to kill Miraak and his acolytes. It is not known how this cult differed from the original (with exception of the originals being dragon PRIESTS, whilst Miraak's followers called themselves dragon ACOLYTES), nor is how the war progressed and ended. So began the war that led to Miraak's banishment. Instead, he cultivated a new dragon cult, one to rival the original and so, under Miraak (and new knowledge from his master, Daedric Prince Hermaeus Mora), the OTHER dragon cult was formed. Miraak, was banished to solstheim by his brethren for the consumption of the souls of his draconic masters, he stopped calling himself a dragon priest. When the only KNOWN dragon priest who was also a dragonborn, A.K.A. Found in quest A Scroll for AnskaĬonjuration+20%, Illusion+20%, Alteration+20%Īdds 20 to carry maximum, waterbreathing and improves prices by 20%.Īfter getting all eight masks, go to Labyrinthian to acquire the Wooden Mask, which will transport you to Bromjunaar Sanctuary, where you will receive Konahrik. Magicka+50, Destruction+20%, Restoration+20%

skyrim dragon priest mod

Skuldafn in Other Realm during The World-Eater's Eyrie

skyrim dragon priest mod

Labyrinthian in Hjaalmarch during The Staff of Magnus Valthume in The Reach during Evil in Waiting

Skyrim dragon priest mod