How to open up world quests bfa
How to open up world quests bfa

You should make sure to do this every day, as there is no emissary for the Rustbolt Resistance reputation. Mechagon is a special case in terms of World Quests, as it only has 1 World Quest. If you can find gear upgrades within your emissary's zone, then make sure to do them for efficiency. Gear upgrades should be your priority if you have just hit Levelfollowed by Azerite Power, and then the rest. This is not a realistic goal for most people, so instead, you should aim to focus on the ones that give you suitable rewards after completing the emissaries. Ideally, if you have time to do so and you want to get as much reputation as possible, you would complete every World Quest on the map. Outside of the emissaries, there may also be some World Quests that are worth completing for the rewards. A contract will add 10 reputation to your chosen faction for every World Quest you complete. It can help to cut down the time required for your reputation grinds and they can be purchased on the Auction House for very little gold. Make sure that you have a Contract active for a faction while doing these emissaries. Simply do whatever fits your playing schedule best. You can instead do all 3 in 1 day, and then not have to complete them until the next set are active. These emissaries will be active for 3 days upon becoming active, so you do not have to do them every day. You should aim to do these each day, as they are fairly easy and quick to complete, while giving a solid boost to your reputation gain and potentially granting you useful loot or Azerite Power. These emissaries require you to complete 4 world quests of the active faction and then hand it in to the faction's quartermaster for a reward and chunk of reputation.

how to open up world quests bfa

Every day, a new reputation emissary will be active. Upon hitting Levelthere are a number of things that you should aim to complete every day, to ensure the fastest possible progression for your character.

how to open up world quests bfa

How To Prepare An Alt Character For ‘World of Warcraft’ Patch 8.3

how to open up world quests bfa

Forgot your password? Welcome to our Level Battle Guide, which will give you a list of objectives to prioritise for gearing up and progressing a new character or alt! The content in this guide will be applicable to all new players, but certain aspects can be skipped depending on what your focus in the endgame is, as well as whether or not this is your first character.

How to open up world quests bfa